Why hassle, meet halfway. Let’s get together now!

Find the best way to meet at a perfect location right in the middle.

Meet in town is a new way to arange meetings. We calculate a central meeting point from your input addresses. Based on personal preferences, means of transportation and realtime traffic data, we will show you the shortest way to get there. You simply pick a place to meet from multiple recommendations. Save time and energy and get together with Meet in town.

Advanced Features

Be prepared to get blown away

Calculate the shortest route based on means of transport and realtime traffic data

Find meeting places (cafes, restaurants, parks, etc.) according to personal preferences

Available soon:

Create a group channel and organize meetings together

How it works?

Quicker and more convenient than ever.

Download the App
Type in all locations of your friends
Choose the right meeting point for you all and share it with everyone!
Meet in town

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